The Help You Need After An Accident

Having an accident which impacts on your life is stressful. When you are trying to cover medical costs and need to take time off work to recover, it is important that you know what your financial options are. Personal injury attorneys help people who have been through an accident and now seek recourse from the other person who caused it. Before you meet with a personal injury attorney, there are details you need to gather so the attorney can help you with your case. These posts are all about what accident and personal injury attorneys do, what they need from you, and the different situations where using one is beneficial to your lifestyle.

Signs You Should Hire An Auto Accident Attorney


Car accidents are pretty normal nowadays, but that does not mean you should downplay them. You should take car accidents with the seriousness they deserve. It does not matter whether you suffered a serious injury or not—you still need to involve a car accident lawyer.

An attorney will evaluate your situation and inform you if there is a need to seek financial compensation. While you might want to let things slide after an accident, the following signs should alert you to hire a lawyer.

Driver Was Under the Influence

As you well know, drunk driving is an offense in all states. So, if you notice that the driver who caused the accident was drunk, don't hesitate to call a car accident attorney. In any case, the driver will be held responsible for the damages and injuries caused to the victim. They'll be responsible for compensating you, and they might also face a jail term. Just ensure you hire a lawyer who knows how to deal with DUI cases.

Disagreement Over Who Is on the Wrong

Every driver will want to blame everyone but themselves when a car accident happens. As such, it will be hard to decide who was at fault for the accident. If that happens, you should call a car accident lawyer immediately. 

As you well know, most states rely on "at-fault laws" to decide whether the victim can recover their damages. If the investigations can't determine who's at fault, the case will be referred to the courts. Your lawyer will then take over and present your case to the judge and the jury until a verdict is found.

You Have Suffered Serious Injuries

Car accidents can easily cause life-threatening injuries. So, if you ever get injured in a crash, contact a car accident lawyer and let them know about your condition. The lawyer will ensure you get fair compensation that will help you cover your medical bills. Besides, your attorney will make sure that the compensation package is enough to cover your lost wages.

You Were At Fault

Most people assume that they only require the help of a lawyer if they are the victim. That's not true! You can involve a car accident attorney if you are responsible for the accident. Maybe you were drunk driving, or you were on the phone when the accident happened. Whatever the reason is, you still want to get a fair hearing. As such, you need to have an experienced car accident lawyer by your side as you try to fight the allegations.

For more information, contact a local auto accident attorney like Bangel, Bangel & Bangel.


20 September 2021